
The Cost of Good Work – An Inspirational Story About Results

One day a farmer’s tractor stopped working. His attempts to repair the tractor were not successful. So, he finally called a specialist. The specialist examined the tractor, lifted the hood and checked everything carefully. Then he took a hammer, hit the motor once and – suddenly – it started working. The motor began to hum, … Read more

One Hundred or Two Hundred

Once upon a time, there lived one merchant. And like all merchants, he bought goods from one place, and travelled to sell them in another. From time to time, he would stop his caravan, and after resting a while, he would move on forward. But, once, after making few stops, he discovered that he had … Read more

The By-Products of Life

It often happens that a by-product of a manufacturing process proves worthier than the original product of that process. For example, many people know the name of the most famous product of the Bayer Chemical Corporation of Germany. But few are aware that it was discovered by an accident. Namely, while manufacturing other chemical products, … Read more

The Debt of a Fisherman

One day, a samurai went to visit a fisherman who had borrowed money from him a while ago. “The time has come, my friend,” said the samurai, “to repay your debts.” “I’m sorry to disappoint you,” the fisherman replied, “but I do not have the money. I’m an honest man, but it’s been a very … Read more

The Consultant

A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of the dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in a Broni suit, leaned out the window and asked the shepherd, “If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you … Read more

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