Moral Tales & Inspirational Stories.
How Legends Are Born
Once upon a time, there existed a city in which there were only two parallel…
How to Get the King’s Daughter
One king had only one daughter. When she was ten years old, she began to…
An inspector of a hospital for the insane, saw that one of the patients was…
The Mind
Once upon a time, a traveler sat to rest under a tree. He didn’t know…
Always Different
There was a man who lived by the sea. Every morning, he left his house,…
A Spoon With Oil
A man sent his son to learn the secret of happiness from a sage. Forty…
The Stonemason
Once upon a time there lived a stonemason, who went to the mountains every day…
A Soldier of Fortune
A man once decided to go and find Fate. On his way, he met a…
Two Stones
Once upon a time there was a king who had a very beautiful daughter. The…
After God formed the first man from clay, he noticed that he still had a…
Whatever Happens, Happens for the Best
A peasant owned a beautiful purebred horse. One day, he ran away from the stables…
Most Difficult Thing to Draw
An artist was once asked: – Which is the most difficult thing to draw? He…
A Pair of Shoes
In ancient times, there lived a learned man. One day, he noticed that his shoes…
The Cockroach – A Funny Story About Making Conclusions
A scientist once decided to prove that the ears of the cockroach are located in…
Axe and Gloves – An Inspirational Story About Work Skills
An old man died and left everything he had to his three sons. The oldest…
Sheep – A Motivational Story About Leadership
A prince inherited a kingdom. And, like all kings, he had everything in abundance. But…
Not All at Once – An Inspirational Story About Teachers
One day a preacher entered a sermon hall to address his believers. But, this time,…
Useful Knowledge – A Motivational Story
In ancient times, there lived a man called Zhu. He heard that there was an…