
The Fox and the Crane

The Fox and the Crane became friends. After a while, the Fox invited the Crane over for dinner. The Crane accepted the invitation and went to the Fox’s house. The Fox had some soup  prepared and served it on a flat plate. The Crane tried peck-peck-pecking on the plate, but couldn’t get anything in his … Read more

What Decision Really Means

Here is a short wish and toast about decision making: The Latin root of the word “decide” means “to kill or to cut” (similar to “homicide”, “suicide”, “genocide”.) So when we decide to do something new, without killing something old, we don’t make a decision at all. We make an addition. And making additions is a … Read more

The Fox and The Garden

A fox once passed by a beautiful garden, filled with row after row of delicious fruits and vegetables. The food looked so tempting, the fox wanted to eat it all. But there was a problem. A fence surrounded the garden. The fox went around the entire fence many times, looking for an opening.. Finally, he … Read more

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